97% of wildflower meadows have been lost since the 1930’s due to construction
and changes in agriculture
We produce wildflowers for seed and here is an insight into their production
When starting a new plot, we start ploughing the area and then cultivate using a power harrow. Ploughing and harrowing can sometimes bring dormant grass and weed seeds to the surface and allow them to germinate. We therefore leave the prepared soil bed for 2-4 weeks to allow these to germinate and then they can be sprayed off. This creates what is called a stale seed bed.
The seeds are then drilled using a precision drill. We grow Black Knapweed, Oxeye Daisy, Cornflower, Lady’s Bedstraw, Self Heal, Musk Mallow, White Campion, Red Campion, Poppy, Meadowsweet, Meadow Buttercup, Yarrow, Yellow Trefoil, Tufted Vetch and Yorkshire Fog, Sweet Vernal, Ribgrass, plus others on an occasional basis.
Once established, plants are allowed to complete their growing cycle. Pictured here is Meadow Buttercup.

Checking the flower crops is a big part of flower management.

Flowers can change and be ready for harvest quickly, so regular crop walking is important in the run up to harvest. Below is the Oxeye Daisy just before harvesting.

Harvesting takes place using a regular combine. This is a busy time, especially if crops are ready around the same time.

Once harvested, the seed is then brought back from the fields to begin the drying stage. We lay all the seed out on the yard if the weather is dry or in the warehouse if not. It has to be turned regularly to ensure it remains aerated and evenly dried. Seed has to be fully dry to ensure it doesn’t sweat in packaging and become mouldy before cleaning. Due to the volume of seed harvested in such a short space of time, harvested seed is often stored whilst we make our way through cleaning.

Cleaning is the final stage of seed production. The seed passes through a number of different sized sieves in a specifically designed seed cleaner, which removes unwanted plant matter leaving the seed ready for sale.
Here is an example of Cornflower before and after cleaning.

Samples of seed are then sent for analysis. The seed is tested for germination, purity and how much other material is there. There are no standard germination requirements for wildflowers, like there are for grass, but they must be fit for purpose.
Here are some of our 2023 crops

Red Campion

Corn Cockle

Oxeye Daisy


Tufted Vetch

We supply our wildflowers to Agricultural Merchants and Amenity Contractors through seed companies.
We can offer our standard range of wildflower mixtures or bespoke wildflower mixtures with either 100% wildflowers or mixed with grass at any required ratio.

Wildflower Mixes
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Wildflowers in Stock
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Seed Packets for Retailers
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