Equine Mixtures

Equine Paddock Mixtures

Horse & Pony Paddock

3Kg Agricultural Perennial Ryegrass 
2.5Kg Agricultural Perennial Ryegrass 
2.5Kg Amenity Perennial Ryegrass
2.5Kg Amenity Perennial Ryegrass
2Kg Strong Creeping Red Fescue 
1.5Kg Timothy
Sowing Rate – 14Kg per acre 

Hay & Haylage Mix

3Kg Intermediate Agricultural Perennial Ryegrass – Tet 
3Kg Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass – Dip
2Kg Late Agricultural Perennial Ryegrass – Dip 
3.5Kg Late Agricultural Perennial Ryegrass – Tet 
2Kg Timothy 
Sowing Rate – 13.5Kg per acre 

Stop Laminitis

5Kg Early Timothy 
2.5Kg Meadow Fescue
1.5Kg Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass 
3Kg Creeping Red Fescue
1Kg Chewings Fescue 
0.5Kg Mixed Herbs 
Sowing Rate – 13.5Kg per acre

Riding Area

13Kg Amenity Perennial Ryegrass
6Kg Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass 
6Kg Creeping Red Fescue
Sowing Rate – 25Kg per acre 

Muddy Gateway

6.5Kg Amenity Perennial Ryegrass 
3.5Kg Agricultural Perennial Ryegrass 
3.0Kg Agricultural Perennial Ryegrass 
Sowing Rate – 13Kg per acre 

Grazing Boost

5% Yarrow 
15% Ribgrass 
20% Chicory 
20% Sheeps Burnet 
25% Sheeps Parsley 
15% Sainfoin 

Don’t forget your fertiliser!

Please ask for more details on our specialised paddock fertiliser that will give it all the tlc it needs! 


For a paddock establishment and maintenance guide, please see HERE



Tel: 01789 763159
Seed Quotes and Enquiries – [email protected] / [email protected]
Seed Orders – [email protected]