Farm Payments after Brexit
While the Government has committed to continuing the current BPS in 2020 at the same level of funding and offered further promises to farmers for support outside the Common Agricultural Policy, they mostly centre around “public money for public goods”. New priorities are based on environmental contributions and administered through the Environmental Land Management Schemes, which will be detailed further in the coming months. The gradual movement away from EU subsidies to our own system will, it is hoped, give farmers time to make the necessary changes to their land to benefit from the UK’s new system of funding.
The new system will reward land used for: improving soil health and quality; aiding flood relief; improving water and air quality; improving wildlife biodiversity or animal welfare standards above the legal baseline; and increasing public countryside access.
By offering continued support, the government is offering several ways for UK farmers to re-prioritise the use of their land to aid our collective efforts to combat climate change and reverse the current system of wealthy landowners receiving EU subsidies for unused or inefficient land that offers no public benefit. At All Things Rural we welcome the shift away from a sole focus on food production towards a more collective overview of land use for environmental reasons beyond over-farming to hit food targets.
We offer several products through all of our ranges that have massive environmental benefits, both directly and by encouraging and creating habitats for our native wildlife and livestock to flourish.
Planting grass seed on any area of land is hugely beneficial, with different, specialist species perfect for any use from rearing livestock to reducing flood risks and absorbing CO2. We also sell an extensive range of native and non-native Wildflowers, again each with their own benefits, that will not only add colour to a landscape but provide nutrition and habitats for insects and wildlife, who in turn then further increase the biodiversity. For enriching and replenishing soil naturally, we sell Legumes and other crops that naturally restore nitrogen and nutrients to the earth. Whatever your agricultural needs, the huge variety of products available here at All Things Rural can help you transform your land to benefit British society and yourself.
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