November 2023 – There is still time to sow Yellow Rattle

October 2023 – That’s a wrap

September 2023 – Mixing and Seed Cleaning

August 2023 – Greening Mixtures
July and August is a very busy time for green manure and catch crop mixtures.
Green Manure crops are fast growing plants with deep roots sown in fields that have recently harvested their crops. Green manures are hardy plants that will grow through winter without needing much sunlight, ideal for covering bare soil out of season.
Catch crops are quick growing crops grown in between main crops as a green manure or as a feed for livestock. These crops can have many benefits that include improving soil structure and quality, prevent soil erosion due to their long root system and also provide cover for both farmland and game birds.

July 2023 – Harvesting
Our wildflower crops are either approaching harvest ready or are being harvested It is a very busy time for us and with changeable weather, timing is key!

June 2023 – Approaching Harvest
During June we have to keep a very close eye on our crops so that they are harvested at the optimum time. This requires regular crop walks.
Other jobs include making sure all the harvesting equipment and the combine are in good working order so that as soon as the crop is ready, everything is good to go.
Pictured here is our 2023 Field Poppy in full bloom.

May 2023 – Lights, Camera, Action!
During May we were asked to do some filming about our wildflower crops for Countryfile.
Adam Henson and the Countryfile team were great and it was a real experience for the whole team here at All Things Rural.
Nigel did an amazing job giving Adam an insight in to our wildflower production here and taking him on a crop walk around our Oxeye Daisy.
The program aired on 28th May.

April 2023 – Crop Walking
We grow many species of wildflower crops to harvest the seed for our wholesale wildflower business.
Regular crop walking is important throughout the crops life and not just when it is near harvest time.
Here are some of the pictures taken on a recent crop walk and show Red Campion, Lady’s Bedstraw, Oxeye Daisy and Common Knapweed at the beginning of their growing life.

March 2023 – Office Renovations Complete
We have now completed our renovations of office 1 just in time for the busy seed season ahead.

February 2023 – Seed Cleaning
Wildflower seed cleaning takes place from harvest and throughout the winter. Once the harvested seed has been dried, it is ready for cleaning. Cleaning removes the unwanted plant matter to leave just the seed, which is then put in our mixes or sold on as straights. Uncleaned seed is emptied into the top of the cleaner and it then makes its way through a number of different sized sieves. The cleaned seed then empties in to bags at the bottom. Pictured here is cornflower cleaning in progress – the top picture shows the harvest before cleaning and the right picture shows the seed after cleaning.

January 2023 – New Year, New Start
With our country store closing at the end of December 2022, we start the new year with some renovations. Where the country store once was, we are developing this in to a new wildflower area We will keep you updated with developments!

December 2022 – Country Store Closing Down
Due to the expansion of our grass and wildflower seed business in 2023, with the end of the 2022 comes the closing down of our country store. After serving the local community with animal feed and bedding for the last 17 years, it is part of the business we will miss, but as the one of the UKs largest wholesalers of grass and wildflowers, we must now focus our efforts on the main part of the business.

June 2022 – Crop Inspection
Checking the flower crops is a big part of flower management. Flowers can change and be ready for harvest quickly, so regular crop walking is important. Pictured here is Oxeye Daisy.

May 2022 – Another Warehouse
Due to the level of production we are currently undertaking, we need more space! This meant another warehouse has been built to enable us to carry more seed.

March 2022 – Pre-packers
The Pre-packers have been one of our most important investments in terms of production. Large quantities of seed is mixed and dropped in to the hopper, the machine is set to the weight required for each bag of which it dispenses the seed. Then the bag just needs sealing and labelling. Bags are then put in the boxes and put on the boxing machine which tapes the box.

February 2022 – Market Report
Prices for the many forage and turf seed species are currently at record levels. With a view to the coming campaign, the price level will not change anytime soon. On the contrary, for many species, prices continue to go in only one direction. There are currently a number of reasons for this. On the one hand, the consumption and demand for seed especially internationally, is higher than ever. The 2021 crop was catastrophic, particularly in North America due to the drought of the century, resulting in massive shortages and increased demand.
To read more of on this market report, press HERE

January 2022 – News
Post Brexit
Despite the agreement of a free trade deal, the UK’s departure from the European Union has still affected businesses that trade overseas. Changes to the way goods can be imported from the EU have been introduced in stages by the government to give businesses time to adjust their processes.
From January 1st, 2022: all importers (submitting via their import agents or themselves) will have to submit full Customs Declarations as goods enter the UK, with the threat of civil penalties if they are not completed within the relevant timeframes. Retrospective declarations will not be legally permitted from January 1st, 2022 onwards. Shipments must carry the correct information as they enter the UK. The importer is legally responsible for the accuracy of this information, whether going through an agent or not.
Official guidance is also available through the government’s website: – https://www.gov.uk/guidance/brexit-guidance-for-businesses
Changes to farming
Farmers and landowners in England could be paid to turn large areas of land into nature reserves, or to restore floodplains, under new government agriculture subsidies. When the UK was part of the EU, farmers were given grants based on how much land they farmed. Following Brexit, the government has pledged to pay based on how farmers care for the environment.
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) published “The Path to Sustainable Farming: An Agricultural Transition Plan 2021 to 2024″ in November 2020 outlining the biggest change in agricultural policy in half a century, with the aim of achieving a renewed agricultural sector, producing healthy food for consumption at home and abroad, where farms can be profitable and economically sustainable without subsidy and where farming and the countryside is contributing significantly to environmental goals including addressing climate change.
DEFRA published an update in June 2021 explaining the changes and what they mean for farmers:- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/agricultural-transition-plan-june-2021-progress-update
Agriculture is a devolved issue meaning that each UK nation has its own plans. To support coordination between policy in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, DEFRA have set up the UK Agricultural Support Framework. This provides for non-legislative UK collaboration, coordination, and cooperation on agricultural support between all four UK administrations.

September 2021 – Market Report
White mustard – Both conventional and resistant are currently at low prices. Our advise: Now is a good time to buy. Tendencies: New crop will see only 70% of normal yields, so prices will go up.
Phacelia – Current crop larger than years before, however, very wet at collection time. This has resulted in quality issues and many lots will not pass standards for certification. Prices will not drop.
Berseem clover – Extremely poor crop. Nearly sold-out all over Europe. Prices are high. Tendencies: prices going up.
Crimson clover – Stable market, however not very largely produced. Tendencies: Just a light increase due to higher demand.
Sainfoin – Stable prices. Average crop yields.
Serradella – Sold-out for spot. First quantities available May 2022. Tendencies: firm prices at current level.
Vetches (common and hairy) – In general good yields. Tendencies: Increasing demand in continental Europe and UK. Prices might go up.
Black oats – Very high demand at the moment. Increased production costs. Our advise: Now is a good time to buy. Tendencies: prices will go up.
Annual rye-grass – Good supply. Average harvest. Left overs due to decreased consumption.

August 2021
Harvesting of our wildflower crops has been taking place over the last few weeks. Here is the Lady’s Bedstraw whilst growing and then after harvesting, undergoing the drying process before cleaning.

July 2021
Our wildflower crops are growing well and it won’t be long before they are being harvested, dried, cleaned and ready for sale in our mixtures. Crop walking in the sunshine is a summer treat! Here is the beautiful Oxeye Daisy.

June 2021
And Breathe…
As the summer months roll in and our attention turns to the upcoming catch crop period, it is time to reflect on yet another busy season. Just five months ago, we could be forgiven for our anxiousness going into the new year. Covid cases were soaring in December, and the industry was bracing for the impact of new Brexit legislation, providing us with yet more difficult challenges. Nevertheless, we have been as busy as ever! The new year brought turning fortunes; covid cases were in decline, the country started unlocking and we began to acclimatise to the new Brexit regulations.
To continue reading our end of spring season round up, please click HERE

May 2021
Our ReNatura Bee Meadow giveaway to schools and groups has gone well this spring and we very much look forward to seeing pics of all the lovely wildflowers and grasses grow.
We believe getting children involved in nature from a young age is not only great for both their physical and mental health but also engaging the next generation in looking after the planet!

April 2021
Everything always looks better when the sun’s shining! Some of the beautiful crops we have growing to harvest for seed…Snakehead Fritillary, Marsh Marigold, Wild Daffodil and Primrose!

March 2021
The trial plots at Freudenberger are growing well and looking great!

February 2021
We now have a brand new packing machine for large runs of small packets! This should make it much quicker and more efficient. Not sure it will stay this clean and shiny for long!
We are now ready to take your orders for
Betimo Fodder Beet
50,000 seed packs
Vibrance & Tachigaren
Please call us on 01789 763159 or email [email protected]!

February 2021
We are now stocking vegetable and herbs seeds! For more information, please see HERE

January 2021
Plenty of seed is arriving in our warehouse ready for the upcoming season!
November 2020
We are busy shipping in seed for next year to avoid any delays in our spring 2021 production!

October 2020
And there you have it…a natural patchwork quilt! The trial plots at Freudenberger from the sky…what a view!

September 2020
The trial plots of Phacelia (left) and Linseed (below) at Freudenberger are growing well and looking great!

August 2020
Italian and Westerwolds blend are in stock and ready to go!

July 2020
Here are some of the trial plots of some of our wildflower mixtures on our mixture page. Please note that some of these are not in flower, as the photos were all taken at one time and some mixes were not at their optimum.
On display here are (Left to right per line); ATG Flora 1 – ATG Flora 2 – ATG Flora 3 – ATG Flora 4, ATG Flora 5 – ATG Flora 7 – ATG Flora 8 – ATG Flora 9, ATG Flora 11 – ATG Flora 13 – ATG Flora 14 – Butterfly and Bee.
For a detailed look at our standard wildflower mixtures, please see HERE.

June 2020
Our Red Campion harvesting is under way!
For more information on our wildflower production and harvesting, please see HERE

May 2020
As we all know in this modern world, technology is at the forefront of most businesses these days. Luckily our computers are kept up and running and these guys are always at the end of the phone with any computer related issues when we need them. Thanks Jordan and the team at SimplifyIT!

February 2020
We have Premium Italian Ryegrass Blend in stock and ready to go!

January 2020
With the arrival of the new year and the new decade, comes the arrival of our new ELECTRIC forklifts. They are a more eco friendly way of getting around our warehouse, compared to the old diesel ones. Helping to save the planet, one step at a time!

We have added a NEW turning circle and parking area for lorries, making loading and turning easier.
We have also just finished building our NEW wildflower area to accommodate the extra stocks we are carrying from increasing our production and to enable us to carry an even wider range than before! Our team can manage all orders from packing envelopes to large mixtures.

Stubble Turnips in Stock
We currently have Vollenda, Samson and Delilah Stubble Turnips in stock.
Vollenda is a large leafed, highly digestible variety with good early vigour and good disease resistance. It retains palatability throughout the season and is noted for its yield, speed of growth and bolting resistance.
Samson is a tetraploid variety with large bulb. It is high yielding and very palatable.
Delilah is the highest yielding variety with large bulb and good disease resistance. It provides quality forage and has excellent digestibility.

NEW Production Plant 5 2018!
For more information, visit our ‘About Us’ page https://www.allthingsrural.co.uk/about-us/

2018 Crop Shortage
From an agricultural view
The prolonged period of drought we experienced in the summer of 2018 did not just affect crop production in the UK, but also throughout Europe. The hot weather was so extreme, that between 15th April and October, not a single drop of rain fell in Scandinavia. Considering that 90% of Ryegrass production comes from Northern Europe (Poland, Germany, Netherlands and Scandinavia) this has had a profound impact on harvests. Studies show that crop yields fell approximately 15% -20,000T in 2018. The USA do not produce Lolium perenne for feeding purposes so cannot help. Breeders and growers both suffered as grassland dried out and died and never made it to the heading stage. Not only has this left the 2019 seed stocks very low for some species, farmers also bought up existing stocks of Hybrid Ryegrass, Italian Ryegrass and Perennial Ryegrass for cutting and grazing purposes as other feed crops, such as Maize, had failed due to drying out in the fields and the yields were poor. Stocks of certain species and varieties are currently empty. Large seed producers have cut down their contracted quantities as a result of the situation as demand struggles to be met and, in some cases, simply cannot be met. The ‘knock on’ effect means that crop production for 2019 will suffer as a consequence and the situation is only expected to improve after harvest 2020.
From an amenity view
The good news is stocks of amenity Perennial Ryegrass, has not been affected as hard as the argic species. Pitches and lawns did, of course, suffer through the drought just as much as the fields, but stocks of seeds ready to be sown are somewhat healthier – although some species, such as Chewings Fescue and Agrostis tenuis will be in short supply. Furthermore, a great demand is expected for spring 2019 for overseeding and repair purposes.