External Articles of Interest
When we see an interesting article, we like to share.

Achieving Net Zero – Farmings 2040 Goal – NFU
An interesting read from the NFU. Read the full article HERE

Farmers aim to put wildflower meadows back on Warwickshire map
Great to hear that wildflower meadows are hitting the news in our local area! The funding for the inclusion of species rich grassland will make a fantastic addition for wildlife.
Read the full article HERE

Eat this to save the world! The most sustainable foods from seaweed to venison…
An interesting read about sustainable foods and mixed farming systems to get the mind thinking. There has been a massive change in agriculture over the years with it intensifying dramatically but there are ways that food can be sustainable. Among the many points brought up in this article, it is astonishing to learn that we only produce approximately 16% of all the fruit we eat in Britain!
Read the full article HERE